There are three things and three things alone which were indeed acceptable in the 80's...
1) Maria Fallon
2) Sequin adorned clothing
3) Calvin Harris
On Tuesday 27th October, it was my 20th birthday. First of all, I can't believe that I am *20* ! I think it's really strange that I am no longer a teenager and now I can only be described as "a woman in her twenties" :O Despite my reservations, I had a really lovely day- being the huge child that I am I was up at 7 o'clock and had a bath before checking my phone and Facebook :) Thank you to everyone who sent me such lovely messages, calls, cards and presents...It was really nice of you all to remember me :D Thank you too to everyone who came out last night to my meal and then out for drinks- you really made it a birthday to remember. :D I had some really lovely cards so thank you again :) and as for my presents!
My friends and family know me so well: I got given jewellery, sweets and money :D I was given some really beautiful things and I am really really grateful so thank you everybody! I will be sending out thank you cards very soon so I will probably be emailing all of you to make sure I have the right address for everyone :)

2) Sequins!
I have to say, Maria's birthday was the start to a lovely [extra extra long] weekend :). On Thursday I went home for the first time in a month, and it was so lovely to finally get the chance to relax, catch up and spend time with my family! As much as I love uni, and of course my gangsta housemates, there’s absolutely nothing better in the world than a big hug from mum, dad and sis. Me and mum went shopping [always a dangerous combination] and as part of the ‘Christmas outfit’ which has now become an annual tradition in our family, I managed to find this sequinned beauty in the Topshop “buy now or regret later” range...
Definitely an homage to everything 80’s, and the best part is that it was a tall version, as well as being reduced to £25. I was convinced there must be something wrong with it, but nope – all seems ok! Well, apart from the fact that I can’t technically wear it until Christmas :( In fact I’ve left it at home to prevent any temptation!
3) Calvin Harris.
Finally, onto possibly the best part of the weekend (yes... even better than the sequins) – Calvin Harris AND Mr. Hudson performing at one gig. I think me and my sister must have died and gone to musical heaven. So on Thursday, rather than travelling home, I went straight to Birmingham to meet Beth (and pass on my luggage to the parents- thank-you!) and head up to the 02 academy. Despite the big queues, we had an amazing night and I have to say that the Mr. H’s were both phenomenal. I have to give a mention to the legendary afro man, who anyone at the gig will have certainly noticed, and of course to Sam who was the only one brave enough to feel the ‘fro. It was an incredible night, with an incredible atmosphere and I hope to relive it sometime soon!
I also want to say a big hello to the game losers, who I hope will read this and realise that I’m thinking of them lots – can’t wait for firework fun at the weekend... more updates to come soon!
Definitely an homage to everything 80’s, and the best part is that it was a tall version, as well as being reduced to £25. I was convinced there must be something wrong with it, but nope – all seems ok! Well, apart from the fact that I can’t technically wear it until Christmas :( In fact I’ve left it at home to prevent any temptation!
3) Calvin Harris.
Finally, onto possibly the best part of the weekend (yes... even better than the sequins) – Calvin Harris AND Mr. Hudson performing at one gig. I think me and my sister must have died and gone to musical heaven. So on Thursday, rather than travelling home, I went straight to Birmingham to meet Beth (and pass on my luggage to the parents- thank-you!) and head up to the 02 academy. Despite the big queues, we had an amazing night and I have to say that the Mr. H’s were both phenomenal. I have to give a mention to the legendary afro man, who anyone at the gig will have certainly noticed, and of course to Sam who was the only one brave enough to feel the ‘fro. It was an incredible night, with an incredible atmosphere and I hope to relive it sometime soon!
I also want to say a big hello to the game losers, who I hope will read this and realise that I’m thinking of them lots – can’t wait for firework fun at the weekend... more updates to come soon!
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