That's right folks, I'm back with another floral maxi dress! I picked this little beauty up in H&M, figuring that it would be perfect for my holiday and I am totally in love with the print and colours- you really can't go wrong with neon floral print! Maxi lengths are a favourite of mine at the moment and they are perfect for this weird transitioning weather we are having at the moment too...
Dress: H&M, jacket: Principles, belt: vintage, shoes:New Look, bag: Miss Selfridge |
The one issue I have though is the length, I know it's a maxi dress but this dress was literally sweeping the floor [niiice] before I tied it up at the bottom. I'm hoping I can persuade my mum to shorten it for me as I am pretty lethal with a pair of scissors as I just don't know when to stop chopping (as many dodgy fringes will testify!)
The colours on this were a perfect match for my blue shoes and belt, lovely accessories that are often passed over for something less challenging (i.e. nude or black shoes!) I love it when an outfit comes together and this one made me feel elegant and apparently I even looked taller, no bad thing in my book! I also painted my toenails for the first time in about 2 months and the hot pink shade was the perfect complement to the dress. I will definitely be taking this away with me...I have the most perfect black floppy hat to pair it with too!
Even my hair seemed to behave! I am sad to announce though that my beloved bag has in fact died. The clasp broke less than a week after I bought it and needless to say, I was not impressed! I didn't repurchase it as I didn't want it to happen again but rather put the money towards something else * which I am very excited about sharing with you!
This rather lovely card popped through my letter box not long ago from my lovely housemate Lisa. I have finished uni with a 2.2 (I was SO gutted to be 1.25 marks off a 2.1!) and this post marks the last photos taken by my beloved brick wall. I have had a fantastic time at uni despite my many health problems and although I am slightly disappointed with myself I am optimistic about the future :)
Do you have any summer essentials? How do you cope with disappointment?

* This something else is a rather lovely sale purchase from none other than Topshop...see if you can guess which dress it is!