As a blogger I have been lucky enough to do all sorts of wonderful things but I think one of the best and strangest things I have done so far is having having my face printed onto a some playing cards. Yes you read that right, along with some of my favourite bloggers (oh hai Sarah, Carla, Gem and Michelle!) I am officially part of the Best of British Fashion Bloggers card game!
The cards all came beautifully packaged (I am still finding sequins all over the living room!) and with a lovely note from Style Fruits who actually made the cards.
I had so much fun looking at everyone's 'vital statistics' and it has made me realise that I own far too many pairs of shoes! Although I am already a fan of a lot of the blogs featured, it has also given me a load more to follow - never a bad thing, I am always looking for new blogs to update my blogroll with :)
I always used to play Top Trumps with my brothers and sisters when I was younger and it is even more fun when your face is included in the mix!
I have a spare deck to give away so if you want to win your own Brilliantly British Fashion Bloggers trump cards, share your favourite bloggers with me, the ones you can't go without reading and I'll randomly someone to win.