Can you remember your favourite childhood film?
I thought I could. Ask me and I'd reel off about ten awfully cliched Disney classics, probably ending with a well rehearsed "but my all time favourite has to be The Little Mermaid". I guess I felt some affinity with Ariel. Quite worrying really when said character is a sea-living, crab-befriending fish-girl. Well, at least you can't say my aspirations were unimaginative.
Worker Boots: Primark
Nevertheless, it is only now that I can actually remember a film that captured my heart far more tightly than Ariel ever could. It was The Secret Garden. Full of dark corners, secret rooms and enchanting friendships, this film was made for daydreaming, adventure seeking little girls. And I was one of them.
Playsuit: Dorothy Perkins // Cardigan: Peacocks
And the catalyst for this sudden reminder? A little jaunt to the theatre to see it on stage. I feel embarassed, ashamed almost, that such a wonderful story slipped my mind on those countless occasions. The play was just beautiful. Wonderful actors, wonderful scenery, and of course, a wonderful storyline.
Nails: Models Own Top Turquoise // Feather Ring: Miss Selfridge // Mouse Ring: Accessorize
I wore my floral playsuit, [quite aptly really but completely unplanned!] chunky cardigan and worker boots. I'm never sure how to dress for the theatre - a night time showing is bad enough, but this was a matinee and thus proved even more confusing. To dress up or down? To jean, or not to jean?!
Oh god. All this theatre talk has switched me to Shakespeare mode. Better make a swift exit, but not before pondering...what was your favourite childhood film? Can anyone else remember The Secret Garden? If not, and you get the chance, watch it ... for your inner ten-year-old's sake :)