Certain clothes just lift your spirits when you wear them and when I bought the individual pieces of this outfit I knew that they would be worn to death. Red is probably my favourite colour and whenever I wear it it makes me feel a lot more confident. Print is obviously another key component of my wardrobe and so this outfit is pretty much my perfect combination!
Coat: Antoni and Alison via T.K. Maxx, dress: H! by Henry Holland, belt: charity shop, shoes: ASOS. |
When I saw this coat a while ago, I picked it up and didn't put it back down. After I tried it on I realised that it fitted me perfectly and after that it was impossible for me to put it back. I knew that if I left it behind that I would be distraught as it was as if I had commissioned Antoni and Alison themselves to make me a coat: it was belted, it was a cute print and colour, it had interesting detailing and the perfect amount of swooshiness. The reactions I got on Twitter proved that I had made the right decision ;) As A Thrifty Mrs said, if it's a wise style investment for you, it's a bargain!
This dress fits me in all the right places and the waist is even in the right place! I don't know if it's me but all shop bought clothes never seem to have the waist in the right place...am I just odd?! I recently found this belt at home after my little sister had 'borrowed' it and I was so happy! I bought it for next to nothing in a charity shop about a year ago and it is the perfect shade of tomato red and the perfect size. I almost left it behind but it soon became one of the most worn items in my wardrobe!
A close up of the prints on the dress and the coat and also a glimpse at my hair and make-up. Recently, I have been wearing a lot more Natural Collection make-up and their waterproof mascara is quite simply AMAZING! I wore it whilst exercising and it didn't even budge, not bad for a couple of pounds huh? I straightened my hair to go out last night, but I much prefer my hair the second day after I straighten it as it looks less unnatural. Does anyone else do that?
What clothes make you smile? Do you have any bargain recommendations?

OH MY! your coat is gorgeous! and you look so pretty in these photos! x
I love this outfit & the outtake photo :) xo.
Loving that coat, it is indeed made for you.
Love outfits that make you feel amazing, I don't have one at the moment, a couple of pieces but not a whole outfit.
That coat is gorgeous and it compliments your figure beautifully. Fantastic.
Love, love, love this outfit!! I love H! by Henry Holland but I find the waist on his clothes fits strange on me. Weird xxx
You remind me of a fifties siren x
SUCH a perfect print combination Maria, I absolutely need that coat in my life, it's so cute! I hardly ever straighten my hair now, I broke my straighteners in August haha, but I always prefer sleeping on it and having my hair a bit undone too! xxxx
I love EVERYTHING about these photos! You look amazing! The dress, the amazing coat, the sunnies...your hair looks fab too, wish mine looked that good! xx
Love every single thing in this outfit! That coat is so cute! x
You look so pretty! The outfit is great, love it all put together with those retro sunglasses :)
Becca x
OMG are you from Warwick Uni too?! Hahahah what a coincidence! Love your coat!
I love everything about your outfit, that dress & coat are amazing!
ohmygosh! that jacket is sooo freaking CUTE!!! beautiful dress!! this entire outfit is just amazing!!! love everything about it :)
I love your new coat!! :)
i think i'm going to say that red is my favourite colour too. and that coat is seriously, gorgeous, no wonder you had to have it!
I am in love with that coat! It is stunning!
Love the coat, love the dress! you just look so lovely! The outfit reminds me of Zooey Deschanel x
I LOVE absolutely everything about this outfit! The coat, the shoes, the shades, the DRESS! :D blooming lovely! xx
I love wearing red as well.
Your outfit is perfect! The dress is so pretty and the coat is awesome. I love the shape of it.
Your hair looks INCREDIBLE. I love how it looks.
i think this is my fav ever outfit of yours. it looks like an outfit that would make you happy to be wearing it! just gorgeous. also, are you wearing tights? if so, which are they - i'm always looking for some sheer neutral/natural tights and they look perfect. (if they are tights that is, if not - you have perfect legs!!)
These photos are so pretty Maria! I love your hair (tutorial please!!) That coat is lovely too. And those sunglasses! Adore them!
♥ Leia
Wow, you look great! The dress suits you perfectly and I absolutely love the last picture of you! So cute :D xx
this is so cool! xxo
This outfit suits you so much! That coat is gorgeous on you. All of my playsuits make me smile, but specifically my polkadot tailored one from Topshop. It's just very "me".
I totally agree with you about e second day with straightened hair! When mine was longer I used to much prefer it the day after I straightened it, with a bit of life back in it! Xx
I absolutely love how you styled that coat. I was searching on Google images for it because I recently bought a similar one (with dots instead of hearts) and I wanted to show a friend. You look wonderful.
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