Kenilworth Festival...another family fun day...

It seems to becoming a housemate family tradition to do something every Sunday and this last week we went to the Kenilworth festival which is held every year in the town where we live. This year they had live music, various stalls and (my personal favourite) the farmer's market filled with gorgeous French, Italian and German food. 

This reminded me of The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, it even had all the props!  

I think this was the "up and coming band This Modern Youth" but I couldn't see a name anywhere so after a little detective work on the festival website, and a checking of photos to see what the time was when we saw them I am guessing that this was who it was! (Please correct me if I'm wrong though!) I loved the couple of songs I heard and they have a bright future ahead of them by the sounds of things :)

A Nutella and cherry crepe, cooked fresh on a little stall. Seriously it was the messiest but yummiest treat ever. If I ever go to France I am going to eat gazillions of these yummy treats!

We visited  the park where it was held and managed to see our favourite little ducklings again...aren't they just the cutest?! 

Olives and garlic galore...absolute heaven! 

You can't really say no to freshly baked bread either! These baguettes smelt amazing and I almost cried when I walked away empty handed from this stall! 

I comforted myself with the cheese stall though. I promise you, smoked cheese on toast can make anything better, even revision blues... 

This soap stall smelt absolutely divine and I ended up buying rose, peach and hazelnut [it smells like Nutella!] flavoured soaps which smell so divine. They are currently on my shelf wrapped in a bag but I can still smell them from my desk, I can't wait to try them out properly...

Lovely bundles of lavender too...these smelt amazing!

Everyone loves sausages, right? I didn't get anything from here either but the chorizo smelt amazing! 

A giant profiterole with a mini one on top? Go on then! 

A lovely selection of dried nuts which again looked amazing! It was lovely to go to a festival where there were so many local people, of all ages, and we really had a lot of fun. I could have ended up spending a lot more money too, but in the end I restricted myself to a few choice purchases. I liked the fact that there was live music too, I think it was a lovely opportunity for local artists and I thoroughly enjoyed it!

Do you ever go to local festivals? What would you have bought? 


Rachel said...

This looks like a lovely day, i thought you were in france for a moment with all the french writing, the cakes and of course the bread!


Megan said...

I would definitely buy fresh bread and cheese. Yum!

That festival looks so lovely though. I wish we had those where I live.

Chloe said...

Sounds like a great day out. Haven't been to any festivals here in the UK, but when living in Spain there was an amazing food festival in the park- you pay 10 euros to get in and they give you a cermic tapas bowl and a wine glass with 4 food tickets and 4 wines tickets, and basically 1 ticket gets you a taster from a stall in your tapas bowl. It was the best night out with my parents and you could buy produce there too, it was awesome. And the German Christmas Markets- always full of food. From traditional Eastern European stew things (I was in Leipzig) to fruit cocktails, chocolate, Glühwein and it goes on...

Unknown said...

Oh gosh that first pic looks so like the Imaginarium of Dr Parnassus!

This looks so lovely, all your photos are beautiful. What a great day out!

Sherin said...

This local festival sounds like so much fun. I'm definitely seeing the Doctor Parnassus resemblence in the theatre. THat must have been so much fun to watch.
And the crepe looks delicious.

Dianne x said...

I would of been in heaven with the lovely Olives, Garlic and Cheese not to mention that lovely looking bread. Great pics x

Leia said...

All that food looks delish!


Temporary:Secretary said...

LOVE IT! I love going to events like this - there's such a community buzz. I went to the Wensleydale festival a couple of weeks ago. Was so good, tried lots of food including Salt and Vinegar chocolate truffles from Little Pretty Things x

Anonymous said...

Wow! The market looks amazing! X