Who would have thunk it?! I cannot believe that Frills 'n' Spills is 3 years old today- this little corner of the internet has gone through many changes and has provided me with so much fun and inspiration over the past 3 years. It has given me so many opportunities (which I am so grateful for) and I have met some really amazing people. Thank you for all your views, comments and tweets, here's to many more years! ♥

P.S. Apologies for the gushiness ;)
Yay Happy Bloggy Birthday Wifey x
Happy blogiversary! Hope to have many more years of blogging from you (and a face to face catch up soon too!)
Happy birthday Frills n Spills!
*gives you the bumps*
Happy Blogday!! :)
That cake looks awesome.
happy blog birthday, lovely!! xoxo
mmmm cake!
Happy Blog Birthday! x
Hey, congrats on your blog! I am hoping to make it last for as long as yours too. My fashion blog is just new, but I would appreciate if you can visit.
Would you like to follow each other? just let me know xoxo
Fash Chronicles
Happy 3rd Birthday! Congratulations & here's to many many more! :)
PS: I'm craving those little orange & lemon jellies now! Looks yummy!
Major congrats! That is such a fantastic achievement, go you and definitely here's to another three years!
Definitely deserving of the gushiness, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Looks like we're almost twinnies on the blog birthday front :) Love you and your blog gazillions ♥ Claire @ Jazzpad
Happy Happy belated Birthday! Here's to 3 more...
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