As you know, I took far too many photos when I visited Edinburgh and here's the second lot of photos. Jules, Ian and I decided to visit the National Gallery which was a real highlight of my trip.West Register House on Market Street looked lovely in the light. It took me forever to work out which building this was, lots of Google Street View stalking was needed ;)
Princes Street Gardens- apparently this is an ice-rink in the winter which I imagine looks beautiful.
The highlight of the day had to be this guy who I mentioned in my last post. This guy was the most hilarious bagpiper ever. He refused to play until someone gave him some money and then stopped after about 10 seconds, I don't think he was very keen on actually bagpiping!
I was so excited to visit the Scottish National Gallery - I love visiting art galleries but living where I do, I don't get to do it very often so this was a lovely afternoon out.
The floor was absolutely gorgeous and I love how the pattern had faded from all the feet trampling over it...
When I walked in and saw 'The Kiss' by Rodin, it was just the icing on the cake. This is one of my favourite sculptures and it is even better in the flesh. Apologies for the gazillion photos but I was practically jumping for joy at this point!
Can you believe that this is CARVED OUT OF MARBLE?! Insane.
I love me a good sculpture and these two were so elegant. I love the flow of the drapery!
I love the light in this painting: La Via Appia by Brasscasat. I had never heard of the artist before but I fell in love with it as soon as I set eyes on it.
Poplars on the Epte by Monet. I love the fact that Monet bought the trees at auction so he could continue to paint them!
Before the Peformance by Degas. I was surprised by how dark the colours in this were, I always assumed that Degas' pieces were a lot lighter.
The colours that Gauguin uses are even more stunning in the flesh. The Three Tahitians is so vibrant but I have to say, IO prefer the softer colours of the Impressionists like Monet...
Orchard In Blossom (Plum Trees) by Vincent Van Gogh was also beautiful and very fitting for Spring as all the trees are blooming here at the moment.
More Monet- this time it's Haystacks and a gorgeous sunrise...
I didn't realise that Degas also did sculptures, this is called The Tub and is described as "a personal exploration of a self-absorbed figure in a private act of mundane intimacy". I just thought it would make a cute paperweight! ;)
I wish I could stand on one leg! This Grande Arabesque was another favourite from Degas, she just looks so elegant!
Isn't Lady Agnew of Lochnaw such a babe?! I loved her dress and her pose is so challenging, I think I'm in love!
Do you like visiting art galleries? Which artists are your favourites?

aaaaah gaugain!!!
such a super itneresting post
Syriously in Fashion
Syriously Facebook Page
Lady Agnew, so sassy! You have made me really want to visit now. I have a week off in July perfect for a trip up to Scotland :)
It looks seriously amazing! xo
Such lovely snaps! That cheeky bagpiper sounds hilarious ;)
Love this post Maria! The Scottish National Gallery is one I really need to visit, I'd love to see The Kiss in the flesh too, I adore Rodin. Love the Lady Agnew of Lochnaw portrait too.
that bagpipe player sounds hilarious! thecmuseum looks awesome too, I am always so in awe of marble statues - imagine if you slipped and knocked off a bit while you were carving it?!
Such a lovely post - glad to see you had a great time! x
I love Lady Agnew, I first saw her when I was little and was fascinated by her.
Lovely photos! I used to live in Edinburgh (and still visit often) and recognise it all very well! Princes Street Gardens turns into a little winter fairground in the winter, complete with big wheel and German market; the whole of Princes Street smells of gluhwein and gingerbread from late November onwards :)
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