A weekend in Portishead... (PICTURE HEAVY)...

All I seem to be doing recently is travelling! This weekend, Mark, Sophie and I took a trip down to Portishead as our friends have just bought a house (!) there and they invited us down to see it. I had never been before so wasn't sure what to expect but it was lovely, very expensive looking but friendly too. Whilst we were down there, we also spent a day at the spa followed with some shopping at Street , definitely a girls' weekend cliche! The spa we went to was fab, and my neck and back massage was just what I needed to relax, after a stressful few weeks...

Portishead Marina- can I have a billionaire husband and a yacht please?! 

Lovely coloured flats at the water's edge. 

This was a some kind of animal made out of old oil and gas drums who I fell in love with, isn't he the cutest?! 

I had unfortunately dressed for sunnier climes so I had to bundle up in a scarf and gloves on top of my blazer. I found out that it gets pretty windy along the waterfront!

The rocks were a lot of fun for clambering all over, however old you get I don't think you ever grow out of this! 

Brightly coloured sculptures- Mark and I liked their weird faces....

I think this was some kind of lighthouse which looked amazing. Imagine the view you would get from up there! These stone pillars were a bit strange, we decided in the end that they were markers for lost ships. Anyone care to put me right?

After a brisk walk we popped into Chandos Deli for a quick drink where I had the world's yummiest berry smoothie. The decor was quite minimalist but these flowers added a splash of colour to each table. 

These brightly coloured oranges looked amazing in the sunshine but the smell made me all nostalgic for Italy!

More lovely apartments (can you tell I'm jealous yet?!)

We saw lots of sculptures as we were walking around the marina but this one was definitely my favourite. These 3 matchsticks were huge and I did have trouble getting them into a photo but my contortions were worth it!  I love how the metal is carved to look like wood and they looked so realistic, I almost expected smoke to come off them! 

Have you ever been to Portishead? How do you relax?


The Style Rawr said...

I haven't been there since I was a kid, I used to love the outdoor swimming pool! Those apartments do look rather dreamy...Better buy a Euro Millions ticket! ;)


Ceri said...

In have never been to Portishead but it looks great, will definitely check it out next time I am over that way.

duck in a dress said...

Portishead is lovely now it's all been spruced up!

I agree with Tara above, definately check out the open air swimming pool and if you're down in Street again, there's also one there - Greenbank Pool which open in 1937 and is very art deco!

You can while away many hours there in the sun with a picnic and some good books...

Louisa x


Gem said...

I've never been but it's pretty close to me, will have to check it out in the summer xx

Leanne Cornelius said...

This looks like a lovely little town, they seem to like their quirky sculptures! x

FAIIINT said...

Ahh, Maria all of your traveling is making me so jealous! I've never been before, but it looks lovely & I love the oil drum cow! I will second you on the millionaire husband too! ;)

Life's a shoe said...

lovely photos, this looks like a great place!

Unknown said...

lovely pictures! looks like you had a fab time!


Winnie said...

Looks like you had an amazing time visiting your friends. I know it's so crazy when friends buy houses or get married - reminds you that you're no longer teenagers!!