It has been just over a year since Mark and I moved into our flat and although I promised some more photos I never got round to it! We have managed to make the flat out own in the past year or so and I thought now was a good time to share a few more photos. As we are only renting, we can't change too much so accessories are the only way we can introduce some personality into an almost entirely magnolia flat....
Since last year we have swapped our turquoise sofa for something a bit more tasteful and stuck to bright cushions to lift the grey colour slightly...
I can never resist going mad in Ikea and last time we came away with this little clock for the living room. For some reason, Mark said this one was too much?!
Mugs brought back from our trip to Italy last year. I am amazed that we managed to get them back in one piece to be honest!
These photos were a birthday present from our friends for Mark's 18th, we clubbed together to buy the two on the left and I bought the final one in the set. We have never been to New York but it is definitely on our list of places to visit!
Pudsey and female friend (Fudsey?!) on our little cane chair. You will often find me sitting on this chair curled up with a good book or watching the cows.... Yes I am a grandma! ;)
Wine carafe from our friends, wooden duck figurine and various cards...
I'm sure you know by now that I am a massive fan of owls and my parents gave me these cuties for Christmas. They live on top of our TV guarding my selcetion of trashy TV box sets....
I love unusual glassware and the Russian doll carafe was inspired by Helen at Afeitar. I found these two bottles at a jumble sale a few years ago and I love the fact that they have a proper place to live now, rather than being shuttled back and forth in boxes to uni! You can also see the little terracotta owls which my mum bought me, they are supposed to bring good luck and are another beloved owl trinket!
Recently, Out There Interiors offered to send me something and when I saw this amazing alphabet lamp I fell in love. I have never been more glad that Mark and I share the same initial!
Lamp c/o Out there Interiors |
The lamp itself is pretty heavy as it is made from porcelain but apparently you can mount it on a wall ( I haven;t been that brave!) The lamp has been getting a lot of love and you can see why, I couldn't be happier with it!
COWS! The cows are still my favourite part of living here, I was so excited when we get a new herd of them recently, they are just such cheery creatures!
How do you make your house feel like home?

P.S. This post was done in collaboration with Out There Interiors....
Your place looks lovely, I keep meaning to do a tour of our flat......we have been here 10 months now, but their always seems to be something else to buy or clean lol xxx
Those mugs are so cute, what a lovely home (and view!).
Aw! Your place looks so pretty and homey! I love your grey sofa, grey is my favourite everything, clothes, furniture, anything! Also, that Russian doll is beautiful! I have never seen a glass one before, I am googling now! Enjoy your beautiful home!
Em x
Love all the little nick nacks!
your place looks lovely, really homely and cute x
your flat is lovely! I love all the owls, its so homely and personal.
I love your style, the place looks great.
Having just moved into my new place and renting I'm using the space to fill with accessories to brighten things up.
Love the little owls, too cute!
I love your sofa and cushions! I'm a big fan of colourful cushions and blankets to make a place look cosy.
I'll also admit to being a cow fanatic. I love it at this time of year when they've just been let into a new field and they get all silly dancing around or suddenly rush to one side of the field for no apparent reason!
Your flat looks lovely. That M lamp is amazing! x
Your place looks so lovely Maria. So many personal touches. x
Aw I've just moved in and shared a couple of housey snaps, I am loving looking at other people's house posts! Adore the russian doll carafe, I must find one! xx
aw your flat is so lovely!! i love seeing inside peoples homes and how the decorate them! please do this again and show us your kitchen! :) xx
It's all about the little things that make a place unique. We can't change much about our rental...although we did paint our kitchen. :)
The Russian glass doll is my fave!
It's all about the little things that make a place unique. We can't change much about our rental...although we did paint our kitchen. :)
The Russian glass doll is my fave!
so cute, maria! i love interiors and being nosy...xx
Lovely interiors! I am always inspired by unique accents and things that others do in their living space. /Madison Have a nice weekend.
As much as I love my little London flat...I'm very jealous. Particularly of your sofa, and that AMAZING view of the cows. I miss the countryside!
As much as I love my little London flat...I'm very jealous. Particularly of your sofa, and that AMAZING view of the cows. I miss the countryside!
I hate renting and miss my old flat in Birmingham, where I was able to decorate and do as I wish, my flat in London even has the owners furniture which is even worse and has been even harder to make feel like our own place. I love your accessories and you've done a good job of injecting personality into a very plain space! x
That light is absolutely AMAZING. Me and my boyfriend have the same initial and I collect A's. Totally need one!
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