Life has been more than a little hectic recently and I have been constantly complaining for the past few weeks (poor Mark!). Rather than staying grumpy, I have been trying to appreciate the things I do have rather than the things I don't and actually I have a hell of a lot to be grateful for. I thought it would be nice to share some of the things that have been making me smile, the little things make a hell of a difference! Apologies for the Instagram photos, I don't usually post them on the blog but sometimes your SLR is too much of a faff! #firstworldproblems
Peonies are my favourite flowers and these have been brightening up the flat for a while now and smell absolutely gorgeous!
Pretty cross stitch tea-towels to help to make washing and drying up slightly more enjoyable...
Gin + tonic + elderflower= perfection. Now I just need to work out how to make my own version in much larger quantities...
Carrot cake and iced peach lemonade are the best way to celebrate the end of the working week, Costa really is dangerous!
A little friend who we got for buying the paper when we visited Manchester. Mark and I would both love a dog but Betty will have to do until then...
I know every blogger and their dog has this bedding but it is just so pretty! I have always been a big fan of ASDA bedding, I don't know what it is about their duvets but they are just so darn comfy!
It is so nice to spend the weekends catching up with friends- this picture was taken on a lazy day spent in various pub gardens by the river. Although I may complain about the rural location where we live, views like this make it all worth while...
I know my new shoes won't be to everyone's taste but I absolutely love them! I have never been particularly cool (understatement of the century) but these Topshop wedges make me feel like I can conquer the world and they have been the perfect boost to my confidence (or lack thereof ) recently.
What are you grateful for? Share your smiles with me below!

Maria what a delightful collection of pretty little pleasurables! I wish that everything turns out great for you. I'm grateful because I'm going on holiday soon :-)
Coco et La vie en rose
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Counting blessings is the way to be happy :) I love your shoes :)
A big kiss,
All about Lady Things
PS. Don't miss my new blog post HERE:) ♡
This is a really lovely post Maria, I love reading stuff like this! And I've said it before but I'll say it again - I LOVE THOSE SHOES AND I WANT THEM. You look kick-ass. :D
Sarah x
Hope you're ok my lovely! Peonies are so pretty, definitely one of my favourites too :) And those shoes are incredible!
This is such a lovely little post!
Carrot cake is the best, I could do with a nice big slice right now! Love your new shoes too, they're gorgeous. x
those shoes are amazing! hope you are doing ok xx
I hope you are a happy bean Maria, life can be SO manic but it's always better to be better to be busy than bored :) And Betty is gorgeous, I spend far too much time googling Border Terrier Puppies but I can't have one either! :( <3 Claire @ Jazzpad
You're super cool, with or without your amazing Topshop shoes xx
What a lovely post Wifey, I think we all need to learn to take time to count our blessings xx
ohh i LOVE carrot cake and flowers! there has to be nothing better in a room than fresh flowers, when I have my own place I will fill it with them absolutely!!
this is lovely, miss maria! xx
ooh those wedges are lovely! damn topshop shoes for being so pretty but so expensive :( in regards to your last post, my skins been crap recently and i've started using garnier charcoal scrub and freederm oil free perfecting moisturiser which seem to be helping x
I love that Asda duvet!
I always thought I was strange for being a fan of Asda's bedding range so I'm glad to see I'm not the only one - they are lush! :-) x
I write a 'Rock The Week' post every Sunday to make a point of what big and little good things have happened to me each week - I find it a good excuse to sit down for half an hour and focus on the things I'm grateful for, the people I've spent time with and the events I've been to :) x
Iced peach lemonade? AMAZING.
I am grateful for the people around me. I have some pretty spectacular friends, an amazing boyfriend and the best parents I could wish for. I should try and remember every day how much they mean to me.
And, y'know. I'm grateful for Pringles, because they're awesome xx
Wow, those shoes are amazing! One of my closest friends also loves Peonies (along with Blair Waldorf) and wants them in her bouquet. So many pretty snaps :)
don't worry dear, I love that shoes. and I love peonies too :D
Love the wedges, they are alright by me! Counting your blessings is always the way.
Come by if you have time, maybe we could follow?
Aww :) The thing that made me smile most this week was my first ever burrito - can always rely on food to make me happy! x
This is such a lovely post Maria. When things get manic it's so easy to forget the little things & get wrapped up in all the bad & this is a lovely reminder to remember to appreciate the little stuff. LOVE the new shoes by the way! :D
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