First of all I would like to apologise for the distinct lack of bloggage from me recently. As you may already know if you follow me on Twitter, I have been in London for nearly a month now doing my summer internship and I can't believe I am nearly half way through! The worst bit about working in Central London though is the travelling, it takes me about 45 minutes to an hour on the train and it is just so busy... I guess that's why it's called rush hour though right?! I am lucky though, that when I get off the train , I have a nice walk across the river.
My building is the one on the left of the picture. It was built between 1936 and 1938 so it's is in an art deco style, lots of glass and marble everywhere! I would take a picture but security wouldn't let me :( It is right next to the Strand and about 5 minutes walk from Covent Garden, lovely in a cultural sense but very bad for my purse!!
Here you can see my friend Sophie, doing her best tour guide impression! We decided to act like tourists for a while and much hilarity ensued!
Sophie looking as gorgeous as ever! She is so tanned at the moment, I am all for being pale and interesting but I really do envy her her healthy glow!
I came straight from work so apologies for the slightly dazed look!
We were SO excited about this!
I was also lucky enough to see Mark this weekend! He came down to visit me on Friday and went back this morning... we had a very busy weekend, going to see Toy Story 3 on Saturday which I can thoroughly recommend! (It is definitely a weeper though!!) and going on to do some shopping at Covent Garden :)
What could be nicer than yummy fruit tarts on a summers day? These were from Le Pain Quotidien and although they are fairly expensive, they were worth every penny! My stomach is rumbling just thinking about them! Mark and I also went for a meal at a little cafe near Covent Garden, Cafe des Amis. They had a lunchtime deal on and the food was EXQUISITE and I think I may have found the world's most perfect chocolate mousse.
I also found the love of my life this weekend... Move aside Mark, meet my new, very snazzy, Blackberry!
It really is love!
I was also lucky enough to meet the lovely Rebecca of The Clothes Horse and her sister on Sunday and we went on the London Eye. Now I have been on it once before with my family but it has been years. Luckily the sun came out and we were able to see for miles around.
I'm not great with heights but weirdly enough I was OK on the Eye, except when Mark tried to get me to stand right at the very end of the pod, I was hanging on VERY tightly! :P
I will leave you with this incredible chalk drawing. It is a copy of Leonardo da Vinci's Annunciation and the detail is incredible!
I hope you managed to make it through to the end of this post! Do you have any recommendations for stuff to do whilst I am in London?

Aw looks like you're having a lot of fun in london :)
them tarts look delish.
Ooh whilst you are in london you should check out this amazing arty, tea room place called sketch, it's eclecticly decorated and has art on the walls and tasty cakes, google that badboy :)
what a delightful tour of your area!
Phoenix Peacock- Thank you! I just wanted to explain why you guys hadn't heard from me in a while!
Jaymie- Thank you for your suggestion! Sketch looks incredible and I really want to go, now I just need to find someone to drag along with me! Just saw your blog and it's fab :) I have followed you too- are you on Twitter?
Maria xxx
Glad you're loving London: it's a great city. Looks like you're having a lot of fun. I really love all the street art/preformers on the Embankment.
Sounds like so much fun! And how cool that you got to meet Rebecca. :)
♥ Leia
aw no worries, yes definitely drag someone along. it can be pretty pricey like £5 for pot of tea but literally just stay in there for ages and soak it up, the bathroom aswell last time i went was completely disco ball mirrored walls was so cool haha.
thanks love :)
yeah i am on twitter;
i don't really do a lot on there though haha i can't really get into it yet, i shall try harder!
oh so cool spending some time in London. It really is such a fabulous city. Looks like a wonderful time (totally in love with the fruit tarts :) )
You look adorable. Enjoy your time!
oh so cool spending some time in London. It really is such a fabulous city. Looks like a wonderful time (totally in love with the fruit tarts :) )
You look adorable. Enjoy your time!
Wow, it sounds like you're having an amazing time! I hope you enjoy it bb :)
that looks like very fun day... and those pastries look so delicious!
Sherin - Yeah I walk past the Southbank every morning. There is a man who plays Caribbean music everyday which I love, it really cheers me up! :)
Leia - Rebecca was so nice! It was really great to meet her... I was completely in awe though! :P
Jaymie - Disco ball bathroom!? I'm there! Will have to try and get over there, it sounds really good... P.S. Am now following you on twitter :) you will be as addicted as I am soon :P
Nathalie - Aww, thank you :) those fruit tarts were yummy... But they didn't last long!
Stephanie - I trying to make the most of living in such an exciting city for the few months I'm here :)
PinkBow - That's true on both counts! I thoroughly recommend the tarts :D
Maria xxx
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