Flash the tash

It's Movember!!! And I know I'm late to promote the tashtastic challenge but perhaps a mid-month reminder is no bad thing. I'm sure you all know that the idea is for men to grow their moustaches during November, to raise money for The Prostate Cancer Charity (TPCC) - a worthy cause without a doubt.

Now, though not for want of trying, I just can't manage to grow a real tash this month so decided to show my support by wearing one on my finger for the rest of November. 

And if biro-tashes aren't your thing, why not check out Carla's wonderful post for some alternative ways to support Movember? 

So remember, please show your support this month for The Prostate Cancer Charity and no matter how you do it, be proud to flash the tash :)

[clickety click here to find out more about Movember]


Unknown said...

Haha, I love the tashe! You wear it a lot better than most of the men in my office have been managing....!

Maria Fallon said...

heheee, thanks Harriet! Tis cute...if a little skewiff :P


daisychain said...

cutie <3

Maria Fallon said...

haha! thanks hun, it's that or demented...not entirely sure which :P


Leia said...

I love your way of flashing the tash!


Maria Fallon said...

thanks Leia! wanted to do my bit...and have grown attached to it now - worrying! :P


Sherin said...

I'm so keen on Movember! It's sucha fun campaign. Sadly, I'm not taking part, hehe. Love youtr little tash!

Maria Fallon said...

Thanks Sherin...maybe you could go for a biro-style one too?! :P
Enjoy your holiday!


Yu said...

Too cute Danni! <3

Maria Fallon said...

lol thanks Yu - cute but crazy :P


Winnie said...

Haha so adorable! I have a very fuzzy memory of me and a friend bumping into random strangers in Camden who decided to draw moustaches on us in aid of Movember. Haha...oh dear!!

Maria Fallon said...

haha!! well that's one way to do it :P


Abbie said...

What a lovely idea! :D

Maria Fallon said...

hehe yeah, just gotta remember to draw it on every morning now!!


daniela kate morosini said...

cutest way to support a good cause! x

Unknown said...

your blog is so cute! adorable 'stache pictures :)


Maria Fallon said...

Danniekate - :D tis indeedy

Chelsea Lane- Thank you! It's so lovely to hear what you think of the blog - any suggestions are welcome!
