The purple one...

I love the colour purple and have quite a few purple hues in my wardrobe which are worn on a fairly regular basis. I have been trying to be braver with my wardrobe recently and after sorting through all of my clothes the other day (a mammoth task, I assure you!) I have been challenging myself to try stuff other than my usual uniform of a patterned dress and cosy cardi. Yesterday evening I was trying to work out what I would be wearing for my fun-filled day of work and revision (!) and pulled out my purple velvet maxi skirt. When I bought it I obviously envisioned my glamourous alter-ego swanning around London not Warwick on a dreary winters day...

Apologies for the close up of my make-up free face, I just wanted to show y'all my new shorter hair!

I paired it with my trusty shoe-boots and owl top which is still available at Zara! . I will confess (yet again) I have a serious owl problem; the number of owl prints I have is simply INSANE. I thought the skirt needed a fairly neutral print to tone it down for daytime and the beige/brown of this was perfect! It also meant I could add my brown handbag which doesn't get nearly enough love

I was really pleased with the way it turned out. Wearing the skirt is like being encased in a warm blanket- something I can definitely approve of! It was comfy, cosy and hopefully still chic :) Plus, the addition of some height with the shoeboots, meant that I wasn't worried about my skirt dragging in the damp leaves/rain, yay! The purple colour might not be to everyone's taste but it's definitely one of my favourite colours. Miss Selfridge has a gorgeous black velvet one which I also really like...  I guess I'll be adding that to my Christmas list for now! 

make a gif

Showcasing my new found love for layers! Recently I have been *gasp* cold. Anyone who knows me will realise why I am concerned, I am fondly known as the human radiator and whilst I am still fairly warm, my thermostat seems to be more like normal people's... we will have to see how long this lasts! 

Tonight I have Zizzi, X Factor and this lovely lot to look forward to. Many thanks to the lovely Susie who sent me this gorgeous parcel the other week. It has kept me going through what has been a fairly stressful week so thank you Susie! 

Have you broken out of your comfort zone recently? What do you like to wear in the cold winter months? 

P.S. Thank you all for your fab suggestions on my last post, I will be trying them out and letting you know how I get on :) 


daisychain said...

I LOVE that skirt. LOVE.

Maria Fallon said...

Laura, it is SO cosy, you wouldn't believe! YUMMMMMMM wearing it right now and my legs are toasty!

Maria xxx

The Style Box said...

I love that owl top! I kept going to buy it in Zara but they never had my size :(

I'm ashamed to say that I'm very lazy in the winter and unfortunately fall back on my trusty jogging bottoms, hoody and celtic sheepskin (ugg style) boots! very un-chic of me!

You are well and truly showing me that you can still look fab in the winter - I will dress with a newly inspired view in the morning come rain or shine!

:) x

Maria Fallon said...

Thank you Emma! That is so nice of you to say! :) Seriously hunt that top down- you WILL NOT regret it! It is comfy warm and flattering :)

Maria xxx

Anonymous said...

I've been trying to break out of my comfort zone by wearing heels more often. My last post is about some wooden heels I've just bought from Topshop. I'm easing the height in there slowly.

Love the purple skirt! Maxis just look terrible on me but I lust after them in shops. Velvet is a great fabric/finish too. Loving the purple! Xxx

Sherin said...

Incredible maxi skirt. The velvet definitely looks really warm and cozy. And love your layering!

I'm trying to get out of my comfort zone and not wear jeans in the winter...I'm not getting very far with that, hehe.

Maria Fallon said...

Lil- That is EXACTLY what I have been trying to do, some days it works, some not so well! I thought they looked rubbish on me but now I am 100% converted :)

Sherin- Thank you! It is warm like you wouldn't believe... especially with all the layers on :)

Maria xxx

Reena Rai said...

I'm pretty sure I have that skirt too! I try to challenge what I'm comfortable with all the time so I never get stuck in a style box! Layers are so, so very necessary in this freezing cold weather

Maria Fallon said...

Reena Rai- For me I need layers as I warm up so quickly (I am blessed/cursed with a faulty thermostat!) I love this skirt though, it is so snuggly :)

Maria xxx

Unknown said...

Really loving velvet at the moment, though I haven't seen this hue in the shops, must've totally passed me by, it's gorgeous! Glad to see you wrapped up warm, it's not the sort of temperatures you'd wanna be risking! :) jazzy ♥

jazmine rocks @ jazzabelle's diary said...

i adore the velvet maxi, it looks great on you! i must get my hands on one! xx

Maria Fallon said...

Claire- Thank you! The colour of this is seriously much more versatile than you might think and I really love it! And I have been layering up so much I look like a flump! Haha :D

Jazmine- Thank you, you always look gorgeous in velvet- I'd love to see your velvet Tesco dress layered up with the hobo jumper ;)

Maria xxx