Student nostalgia...

With everyone posting about university (I particularly like Hayley's post about  things she wished she knew before uni) it has made me all nostalgic for my student days. Now I couldn't be happier than I am now, not being a student (especially now I have a job I enjoy) but I do sometimes wish I could spend more than just the weekends curled up in bed! I have had this dress since college (!) and is one of those things that I just can't bear to throw away as it is just so easy to throw on...

Dress: Oasis, cardigan: Dorothy Perkins, satchel: Benetton c/o Spartoo, belt: vintage,  boots: c/o Spartoo
I felt very student-y wearing this outfit, I think it was the combination of the satchel and boots but also slightly like a cowgirl, all I needed was a hat to complete the illusion...

I don't know what it is about these boots but I just feel so darn cool in them and confident too, which is something I never was until I went to uni. Although I still have the occasional wobbles, I am almost unrecognisable as the girl who started at Warwick back in 2008. Starting this blog with Danni back in October 2009 was one of the best things I ever did but I never would have imagined that I would (willingly) take photos of myself and put them up on the internet (OOER!) but university gave me the confidence to try completely new things and that has got to be one of the best things it ever did for me. I loved my degree but the confidence it bestowed is much more valuable and I am now a lot more willing to take risks, fashion or otherwise... 

Admittedly I probably should have worn this dress with black tights, it is fairly short and those boots aren't doing the length of my legs any favours but it was the perfect attire for mooching round the shops on a Saturday (a favourite pastime of mine when I was a student!)

What did university teach you?


Sherin said...

I agree! Everyone going back to Uni is wanting me to go back, but I'm so happy about where I am in life right now.

Love that dress! The boots you styled it with are amazing!!

Gem said...

I miss sleep, cheap drink and I actually miss seminars :( soo old now, all the new 18 yr olds coming into the library make me feel even older x

Lauren said...

I'm so glad I'm doing an MA so i have another year! haha :) love those boots xo

daisychain said...

I missed out on all the student malarky :( x

Alex said...

I don't miss being that young or having no money or just lacking confidence so much I was scared to do anything.

I miss my third year housemates and the sheer joy of studying something interesting, but that's about it. Oh and the NUS card, haha!

FAIIINT said...

I enjoyed college so much, but I absolutely hated uni. I thought it'd be the best time of my life, but instead I spent almost every night in my room working, barely went out & ended up extremely ill. This was totally down to my course & my bitch of a lecturer though. Everyone assumes a fashion course will be fun & easy, but I survived on around 4 hours sleep a night for 3 years!
The one thing I did take away from it though was to stick up for myself despite the outcome. I could have made my life there so much easier by going along with everything she told me to do, letting them mold me into the type of designer they liked, but it wasn't me so I stuck to my guns & I am so glad I did now. It definitely gave me a new found sense of strength & confidence! :)

Unknown said...

We have the same boots! Betty London? They look great on you.

I miss uni too, I've actually just done a fun money-saving challenge with Voucher Codes on my blog, picking out my favourite a/w items.

You look great Maria.

Looking forward to catching up tomorrow x

Michelle / Daisybutter said...

I'm very nostalgic for my student days lately, I even miss my dissertation! I wish there could be a balance between student lifestyle and the working world, because I enjoy both. Three-days weekends need to be instated! I love your dress and those amazing Chelsea boots, Maria. (: xxxx

Unknown said...

I love that dress! You are the coolest cowgirl on the ranch!

I enjoyed uni, but I didn't like my course, and by the end I was really ready to be done with it. I do miss all my university friends though, and when they used to live just around the corner.

Coco said...

Hello dear, I've just come across your blog and I thought I might stop by. I know what you mean: it took me years of hard work before getting some self-confidence. I still experience a lot of self demeaning thinking, but I find putting on a brave face ( and a flattering outfit) Very helpful. I'm your newest follower and I would love if you followed me back. xoxo Coco