There's nothing nicer than going on holiday (except of course, coming back home) and the week I spent in Cornwall with Mark and his family provided a much needed break from both work and blog deadline. I have to say, I was a bit worried before I went as all of Mark's family (luckily excluding Mark) are keen walkers and I'm...not, but despite my worries, I really enjoyed myself and even went on a few walks (shock horror). It was a completely different trip to my holiday to Italy last year (it wasn't as warm for one thing!) but I wanted to see more of the UK this year and so far I am doing quite well, any ideas for where I should visit next?
A typical Cornish rugged beach; the next cove along from Bedruthan Steps (more of there later).
The little (well, not that little) bungalow we stayed in at Trevone, near Padstow.
Some fancy Rick Stein (TM) bread, on show at one of the delis in Padstein Padstow.
A view across the harbour in Padstow. You can just see the Italian restaurant we ate at one night - in the centre of the photo - overlooking the boats.
We went to Screech Owl Sanctuary, and got to see this lovely Rufous-legged owl (I think) up close!
We went to the Sanctuary on a really windy day, so I was nearly empty. But this meant we all got to hold the owls during the flying display. As you can see, I was very, very excited to hold this little Boobook owl!
Mark holding one of the owls.
They were flying very well despite the wind but occasionally one of the owls caught a gust and ended up sheltering behind a hedge somewhere!
It's a goat on a shelf! The sanctuary rescues and keeps ponies, pygmy goats, emus and meerkats, as well as the owls...
This Siberian eagle owl was massive but very gentle. It spend most of the time nibbling its keeper's nose and hair...
Me in an owl hat at the souvenir shop. Can you tell that I like owls yet?!
Standing right near the edge (!) of the cliff at Bedruthan Steps...
A view down to the beach at Bedruthan Steps.
I still haven't worked out whether the steps are these huge rock formations rising up from the sand...
...or the steep steps you have to climb to get down to the beach. Despite my fear of heights I was OK going down but the climb back up gave me a massive panic attack, I guess I shouldn't have looked down!
Me and Mark in front of one of the rocks. This gives you an idea of just how big they are.
Back at Trevone, on a much sunnier day. The road we stayed on was just the other side of the main car park. It couldn't have been a better location.
Mark and his dad decided one day to climb down the massive blow-hole in the headland above Trevone bay. It is very steep and I stayed home and read my book, so I didn't have to watch, me and heights are not a good combination!
At the bottom of the hole, looking back on the route down. Apparently those steps in the rock you can see on the right hand side were sheer, shudder.
At the bottom of the hole is this cave, which leads out to...
...this beautiful hidden cove. It is only accessible by climbing down the blow-hole, so it's incredibly rugged and all the rocks are covered in mussels.
One of Mark's 'arty' shots of the mussels and the cave ;)
We bought the world's biggest treacle tart from The Chough Bakery in Padstow. We also ate so many pasties from there, I need to get back into the gym this week!
That's a full-size strawberry sitting on top of a slice!
Towards the end of our week we sat out on the grass overlooking the sea for an evening picnic. The sunset and the waves made some really beautiful photos...
Where are you going on holiday this year?

next time you go PACK ME!
Such lovely photos - I've always wanted to go to Padstow. x
Such gorgeous photos, looks like you had an amazing time xx
I'm so UNDER travelled within the UK...
But at least I've been to the Lake District?? that's as far as I've gone from London that's NOT Europe ;)
My fav pic is the mussels one.. of course.. hehehe
Such gorgeous views, I'm a sucker for rugged coastlines. Cornwall is somewhere I've always fancied going but it's practically the other end of the country for me. Going to Carlisle in a couple of weeks to visit a friend and that seems like a long enough journey! Hehe, one day I may make it to Cornwall!
This looks like so much fun! The owl sanctuary looks awesome, although my boyfriend has a phobia of birds so he probably wouldn't let me go! The beaches all look so beautiful; this post has really reminded me of how many beautiful places there are back home in the UK :).
Also, that treacle tart is making me oh so hungry!
Mark should take more photos for your blog... or start his own if he hasn't already, his "arty" shots as you call them are really great!
come to WAAAAAALES and see me please xx
Beautiful pictures, I want to holiday with you two! I would also quite like a pygmy goat, maybe these two...
I hope you enjoyed your mini holiday!
Em x
I recently went to Cornwall for the first time and fell in love. The pictures with the owl are fantastic.
Treacle tart is the best, as is Cornwall! We went back in April but I'd like to go back again in Autumn as it's such a lovely part of the country x
Cornwall is my fav place to visit! We used to go all the time when I was younger, then I went with my family again last May and it was wonderful =)
Corinne x
Fab pictures - I love the ones from Screech Owl Sanctuary. I've always wanted to visit there but never got round to it.
Glad you went to the Chough Bakery! Their Chicken, Leek, Bacon and Cheese pasty is to die for! :-) x
Awwww I clicked on the post to look at the beautiful coast photos (which are wonderful!!), and then I saw the owls <3 I love owls so much, you just gave me the major "awwwww"s with these photos! Too cute!
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