
Last weekend saw us taking a little trip down to London town for an exclusive Aussie Angels party in Mayfair.... as you do. The moment that we stepped through the door of the beautiful, and utterly extravagent Mews of Mayfair we were awestruck at the wonders of...well, Wonderland! The ladies at Aussie had transformed the Chef's Dining Room into a scene that Alice herself would be proud of - we're talking cupcakes, tea-cups, flowers and butterflies, and what party would be complete without champagne and canapes?! For us, it truly felt like another world as we were pampered and completely spoilt and as our first bloggers event it definitely made us keen to take part in many more.
The evening began with general mingling, giving us the chance to meet some wonderful bloggers, and was followed by a short demonstration by two of the sweetest hair-stylists; telling us how to tame our frizzy curls. Throughout the rest of the evening, these two lovely ladies were on hand to style our hair as we all got the chance to get creative and make our own fascinators. The biggest surprise of the night was a surprise visit from the wonderfully talented Milliner to the stars; Katherine Elizabeth. Both of us enjoyed this so much that we managed to make two fascinators; somewhat greedy on our part, but our heads will be forever happy.
We were all so happy chatting away that time seemed to run away with us and soon it was time to head back to reality. Before leaving Wonderland though, we each got a wonderful goody bag to take away which included some fab Aussie goodies as well as an intriguing Alice-inspired potion that we were a little aprehensive to try. It turned out to be delicious, although there have been no shrinking side effects...yet.

So, after having a wonderfully indulgent Saturday evening we decided to continue the extravagance well into the weekend and go shopping on the Sunday. We got ready ultra-early and were on Oxford Street by 10am. Of course we'd forgotten one vital thing; Sunday opening times. Ever the optimists though, we made the most of 24hour coffee culture and stopped off at Costa before having a wander round the eerily quiet Carnaby Street. We met some new friends...

and some celebrities too (just for Mummy Slater)

Finally, we were let into Topshop at 11.30 and the shopping began. Neither of us bought a huge amount, and it was all in the sale so we were quite proud of ourselves! Oh and we stopped off for a bite at McDonalds when we saw this....

...we're thinking of sueing :P

After hours of shopping, and endless tube journeys we were ready (although reluctant) to head home. Neither of us could stop grinning on the way home, a result of a truly fabulous weekend with some equally wonderful people. We'd love to send out a huge thank-you to all the girls we met for making us feel so welcome including Eleanor, Lil, Hayley, Tessa, Milly, Kirsty, Aysha, Lydia, Sherin and Leia and we hope to meet you all again soon!



Rachel said...

This post is so gorgeous, I love our headpieces and you should definately sue

Sarah said...

Great headpieces! Very cute <3


Maria Fallon said...

Thank you both! It was so much fun making them and I am determined to take a trip to Hobbycraft and get some stuff to make some more :)

Maria xxx

Ellie said...

lovely post ladies! It was really so fun meeting you, can't wait for the next one! :D

Leia said...

Wait, you mean the potion DIDN'T make you shrink??? I've been trying to reach the table all day! I'm looking for a piece of cake to make me the right size again!

Rick said...

I've always wanted to have an Alice in Wonderland party. Especially in Mayfair. So pretty.

And you should sue. I would support you in a court of law.

Maria Fallon said...

Well with this kind of support...McDonalds, we'll see you in court!

Anonymous said...

Loving the elephants! Elephant spotting has become one of my favourite pastimes over the past few weeks.

So happy you girls had a great time!! I really enjoyed myself, it was lovely meeting you. Can't wait to do it again! Sam says hi!


Maria Fallon said...

aww Lil thanks! hope you and Sam had a wonderful night in the end. And yes, we rather enjoyed the elephant spotting - there was even a pottery to paint ceramic ones... i think it's a must for sometime in the future!


Sherin said...

It was so fantastic meeting you guys again! Hope to do it very soon. The Aussie party realy was amazing.

Anna Jane said...

Sounds like a vibrant weekend, I'm jealous! The fascinators look wonderful and really creative. And such fab goodies too :)

- Anna Jane xxx

Maria Fallon said...

Thanks Sherin, it was lovely meeting you too! And yes Anna, it was definitely a weekend to remember :D

Winnie said...

Looks like you guys had a fabulous time! Aussie put on another great event as always!

Maria Fallon said...

Yeah it was amazing and we enjoyed it so much! :D