... to all cookie lovers, sugar cravers, and chocoholics alike; my friends, I have finally done it. Yep, I've finally figured out the perfect cookie recipe. Years of undeniably enjoyable baking sessions, trying and tasting the results of different methods [*sniff* - it's a hard life] had led me to believe that a recreation of those soft, chewy cookies which seem only to appear on the shelves of extortionate cookie stands [you know the one I mean] was simply impossible. Well rest assured fellow sweet toothed bloggers, I've finally cracked the perfect recipe, and I'll share it with you now...cos I'm nice like that. I actually adapted the recipe from Bakerella's website- if you love all things sugary and heart clogging you should definitely check this out. Oh and beware, this recipe is not for the faint hearted or calorie conscious; we're talking chocolate, nuts, butter and sugar. Yup...allll the good stuff : )
The last cookie recipe you'll ever need.
Dry Ingredients
175g plain flour
1tsp baking powder
1tsp bicarbonate of soda
Pinch of salt
100g rolled oats
150g M+M's [or smarties, or minstrels..hell just chuck 'em all in]
150g chocolate chips [told you it wasn't for the faint hearted]
220g of golden granulated sugar [why golden? Umm....that's all we had in the cupboard XD]
A handful of nuts [pecans are yummm!]
Wet Ingredients
1 egg, beaten
100g unsalted butter, melted slightly in a microwave [10secs should do it]
Pre-heat the oven to gas mark 5. Then, all you need to do is mix together all of the dry ingredients and add the beaten egg. Stir into the mixture and add the butter. At this point it'll seem far too dry and you'll be tempted to add more liquid...DON'T!! If it does seem to be powdery, it just needs time and lots of elbow grease...guys, it's time to get messy. If the wooden spoon ain't working just get your hands in there and squeeze all of the ingredients together til they form a sticky dough. This will make about 12 fat cookies. Yep. FAT. Separate the dough into 12 balls and place on a greased baking tray. Then, bake for 13 minutes.
I know what you're thinking. 13 minutes? Hmm, 15 minutes it is. NO. These cookies want 13 minutes in the oven.... no more, no less. Trust me, bad things will happen. The first of which will be a bad batch of cookies; not good.
Once they're baked bring them out of the oven and let them cool. You don't wanna eat these straight outta the oven... yea. Not a good move. Who knew M+M's held so much heat?!
Anyways, these cookies make great gifts, lovely offerings when friends come round or, y'know...a romantic meal for one.
Bon Appetit!

Hi Girls, just come across your blog from Jen's little bird blog, love the idea of two people adding to one blog. Look forward to seeing and reading your future posts :)
Please check out my blog and leave a comment if you fancy a link exchange!
Grace x
YUM, these sound DIVINE!
♥ Leia
I'd totally try this if I wasn't currently avoiding carbs. I may have a day off and go MENTAL :D
I'll tell you how it goes if I do make them :)
Grace- Leia below and Sherin also write a blog together at http://www.thehifashionsite.com/ :) And Sophie how can you avoid carbs?!
Maria xxx
Grace - thanks, it's def a good way to make a diverse blog! Shall be checking out yours too :)
Leia - yuup :) make with caution!
Sophie - i'll just repeat what Maria said...HOW?!?!
Oh I love those chewy biscuits from Millie's Cookies...and this recipe sounds fantastic! I'd really like to try the strawberry and clotted cream cookies to make.
S- yeah Millie's cookies are amazing! Sooo expensive though- hence why i gave these a try instead :D
I've just started following your blog and really like it, those cookies look delicious!!
If you like anything to do with bows take a look at my blog
Hannah x
Thanks Hannah, it's always nice to hear from new readers- we'll be checking out yours from now on!
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