Sorry, what? Year two done you say? Hell Yeah! Finally after weeks of relentless revision, we were able to relax, have fun and listen to our bodies [rather than our alarm clocks] for a change; they told us to sleep, eat and go out; in that order!
Anyone who has been sitting exams recently should a) give themselves a pat on the back and b) relate to the fact that the relief of finishing is overwhelming, and what better place to vent some of that well deserved bliss than the pub?! The first port of call was out for tea and drinks with the lovely Lisa who was jetting off back home to Holland and wanted to say a final goodbye before our three months break. We ate, drank and watched the football [we're secretly middle aged men but shhhh] and had a good old laugh. I wore my bargainous £2 trousers [courtesy of Maria!] over my playsuit; a bit weird I know but I love the pattern and luckily you can't tell it's not a top!
Maria, Lisa and Me
The day after, our housemate finally finished her exams and we were treated to Risotto lovingly prepared by Chef Maria which was delicious. We found our inner barmaid and whipped up some cocktails before donning our gladrags and and heading off to Kasbah; a moroccan themed club where we could have a proper boogie!
Nom Nom
I think I took the idea of 'batwing' a little too seriously
I wore what's now becoming my go-to going out outfit [I need to switch it up a little!] and Maria looked gorgeous in one of her many playsuits.We had a fabby time but decided that after a few nights out, all we needed was a good old laze about in the sunshine; bliss.
Maria, Nisha and Me
I realise this post is becoming waaaay longer than I first planned, so if you're still with me you deserve applause [or perhaps something a little more rewarding], but I couldn't break off without mentioning what was possibly the cutest day ever. I know I sound like a five year old Britney Spears [ohmygaah it was soooo cuute!] but bear with me : ) My friend turned twenty and decided to do something a little different; as great as a night out can be, we'd all been there, done that and yes, even got the T-shirts, so she organised a visit to Leamington's own 'Potter Inn' where we each chose a ceramic pot/cup/generic holder-of-something and let our creative juices flow with paints, water and a little imagination. I went for an Alice inspired design [I sound like quite the obnoxious artist] with lots of hearts, dots and stripes...
I think it did us all good to channel our inner five year olds; I mean, who could want more than paints and a blank slate?! It really was in total opposition to the standard birthday outing but this was definitely no bad thing - thank you Sophie!
Aaaaah what an epic post, it feels good to be writing again although apologies if it's a bit scatty- I'm out of touch! I promise to be writing much more though, and hopefully you can enjoy some other posts on British Style Bloggers where I'll be posting some other ramblings on a monthly basis : ) Exciting!!!
On another [very quick- I swear!] note, don't forget to check out Frills n Spills Wardrobe for some great bargains; after a year of cramming clothes desperately onto groaning rails we've both decided to have a clear out and put some of the nicer things online - if you fancy anything up there just contact us and we'll get it to you asap : )

Congratulations! I just finished my first year :P
Yay! Congrats :D xxx
Just out of interest, you didnt go to summerhill school did you?
you look strangely familiar!
Congrats girls! you both look lovely too
Thanks guys :) and Tabitha yes I did!!! I'm presuming you did too?!
Yay for the end of exams!! I got my results last week and it's soooo nice not to have to think about uni for a while! :D
Eeeeeeeeeeee, yay for finishing exams :D
Great outfits, as always, lovely :)
Glad you enjoyed my weird birthday outing, so glad you could make it!
Well done for finishing your exams!!! Now you can relax and hang in the sun!
I love those trousers. They look brilliant, especially with the playsuit. I've got to try that one.
Congrats on finally finishing your exams!! :D
Leia's Delights
Sarah- congrats to you too! How good does it feel to be done finally?!
Sophie- EEEEE indeed :D thankyou for letting me tag along; it was so great to spend time with you all, and I'll definitely be rocking up to Manchester sometime over summer [please God say it's up because I know you'll crucify me if i've got my geography wrong :P]
Sherin- thank you! Hopefully the sun will stay shining [or maybe I should pray for rain; it always seems to do the opposite of what we want!]
Leia- Thank you again :) hope you're having a great time at home :D
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