OOER missus- judging by the title I think I may get a fair few odd search terms now but oh well! As soon as it started to get cold again, I dug out these fab leather trousers/waxed jeans and some thin and cosy layers to ease me into winter. This jumper is such a gorgeous turquoisey teal shade but it hasn't translated very well in the pictures which is a bit rubbish. (#bloggerwinterwoes) It reminded me of a sequinned jumper which I wanted from Hobbs at the beginning of the year but luckily was much cheaper- I love supermarket clothes!
Jumper: Tu at Sainsburys, top: Primark, trousers:River Island, shoes: Best Mountain flat shoes c/o Spartoo, glasses: Gok Wan from Specsavers |
As you may have noticed, I am now the proud owner of some very snazzy glasses! After being told that my prescription had changed, I decided that some new frames were in order and Claire and Jen provided some much needed inspiration for my new frames. (I have to say how much I love Jen's make-up classes for girls with glasses, if you're a specs wearer, check them out!) They have taken a while to get used to but I am already loving how different I look in each pair (review of these lovelies to come soon!) I was really surprised by how much I loved the Gok Wan range and found it difficult to narrow it down to just 2 pairs!
I love the different layers and textures in this outfit and sequinned jumpers will always be A-OK with me...
Finished with an impulse buy which have turned out to be surprisingly versatile. These lovely shoes were a Spartoo bargain that I have ended up loving. Grey shoes are incredibly versatile and they have been great for introducing a subtle splash of animal print into my wardrobe (I think that may be one of my resolutions next year!)
Who is your glasses inspiration? How do you incorporate print into your wardrobe?

P.S. This post was done in collaboration with Spartoo
Love the shoes and I am a glasses wearer too. I actually wear glasses almost all time time and tend to wear contacts when I am doing fun things like shopping or catching up with friends. Glasses are just so much more comfortable! Yours are awesome.
I need a pair of waxy skinnies for the winter for some time. I had no idea where to get them so I'll try River Island for a similar pair.
I love you in the glasses! I've had the same pair since I was 15!!! I think a new pair is due.
oh lord, I've not been to the opticians for ages and I never wear my glasses... going to end up blind :(
I went for an eye test recentyl and apparently it won't be long until I need glasses. I've already decided what I want, though.
I love the TU clothing offerings at the moment, although am having a sulk because they had a coat I wanted and Iummed and ahhed and now the 25& off promo has finished, so I'm not buying it full price. Yet, anyway...
I love your jumper- and the glasses really suit you :)
Daniella x
ooo you look lovely in your new specs. I bought a gok pair a few months ago and loved them, its a great range. and can i just say i am totally crushing on those trousers. You look amazing in them1 Are they comfy? xxx
I love your glasses! I need to get some new ones and these are exactly the style I'm after!
Your sweater looks so cozy. I love the sequin details on it!
Ooh I love your glasses, they look gorgeous on you! Lovely outfit!
Also I was very excited to hear that you're a Classics grad! I have finished The Song Of Achilles now and totally recommend it, it brought back all of my Illiad feeeelings, haha. :)
These trousers are just divine. I think they might be what's missing in my wardrobe (along with half a ton of work appropriate dresses and a couple of pairs of new shoes). Love the sequin layers, and loving the new specs missy. I have to admit, my glasses are the most expensive things I own. My three pairs total a cost of over £1000, which is terrifying now I think of it. I think it's super important to spend plenty of time picking glasses, particularly if you need them all the time, and to have different frames for colour ways or occasions. I think the Gok range is awesome for frames that cover all the bases- my aunt has two pairs, that are bold, but classic, and it pinches a bit that they're super similar to my Prada ones, except they cost about a tenth of aforementioned Prada purchase.
Your glasses look fantastic! Mine are quite similar to yours- thick frames in a sort of navy blue and tortoiseshell marbled colour. (I'm crap at describing things so maybe they sound awful.) Both of yours are very snazzy, I chickened out of getting a second cool pair and went for very basic ones with black metal frames.
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