On Monday, Mark and I got on a coach with a load of old people and took a trip to Weston. You may be exclaiming with confusion at this point but we went along to help out on the annual Darby and Joan trip to Weston. My great-grandmother set up the Darby and Joan club in our local village and my family have been running it ever since! It is a club for men and women aged 50 (or more!) that meets every month and there is a talk with tea and cakes. It means that some of the elderly people in the village are able to get out and about and socialise whilst learning something new every month. We also have an annual trip to Weston-Super-Mare and Mark and I were able to tag along for the ice creams go along to help.
We completely lucked out on the weather- it was gorgeous warm sunshine and a brisk breeze, lovely! :)
I have been to Weston quite a few times and each time I have loved the cute bus shelters that are dotted along the promenade. Plenty of space for senior citizens to sit down and eat their lunch ;)
We spent about 4 hours there, giving us OAP s plenty of time to wander around the shopping centre, along the beach and to buy an ice-cream!
What's a trip to the seaside without a stick of rock?!
I don't know what is wrong with my face in these photos but I look absolutely ridiculous! I am really loving the idea of purples and browns this Autumn and this skirt and top from Zara fit the bill perfectly! I just LOVE the owl print- owls are one of my absolute favourites! My jacket added a much needed pop of colour and kept my arms warm in the wind. It's definitely starting to feel cooler... I think I need to break out my socks and boots combo :)
This morning I was woken up with pains au chocolat and coffee...
...and my gorgeous new Markus Lupfer jumper from The Outnet. It is just so soft and perfect for layering up. I wore it today with my beloved Zara trousers but unfortunately spilt something down them :(
Yes, I did leave the house in these heels, I am determined to learn how to walk in them and no pain, no gain is my motto du jour!
Luckily I only walked down into town where they had a new charity shop which I was determined to check out. I came away with some beautiful 70s style purple trousers, originally from M&S and a Great Plains Grey wool skirt. they are great basics and perfect for AW10- how on trend am I?! ;) As requested by Stephanie and Natasha, here are some pictures :)
It has a fab little pleat at the back of it that makes a plain grey skirt much more interesting.
My 70s fantastic trousers. I CANNOT wait to layer up some floaty blouses and chunky cardigans with these bad boys! They are so comfy and very snuggly too, perfect for the colder October days that are coming!
I think this face says it all really! I have so much to look forward to with term starting soon at uni and my housemates moving in but most of all, Lucinda, one of my oldest friends is coming to visit this weekend with her boyfriend and I can't wait to see them! :D OK, this was a super long post so congratulations of you got this far!
What are you looking forward to most this week? Have you got any new outfits?

P.S. What would you like to see more of on Frills 'n' Spills? Let us know in the comments below and we can endeavour to do it!
I love that you love hungover owls too! And I love the owl print on that top. it's making me want to shop! But I"m waiting until the weekend, fingers crossed my discount comes through then! That wool skirt is beautiful, what a find! And those purple trousers are so 70s fabulous! Looking forward to seeing future outfits featuring said items :)
I love owls so hungover owls is the logical progression! I can't wait to see the gorgeous Monsoon / Accessorize purchases! :) I am really excited about them though :D
Maria xxx
why are you tempting me with candy AND ice cream AND croisants?! Argh!
hehe anyways RE your question, the cameras used for those photos were just regular point and shoot compact digitals... nothing remotely fancy ;)
I'm sorry Heather! Maybe it's a sign that you should succumb to the temptations of these sweet treats? :) I don't remember asking you this, was it on Twitter of on your blog?
Maria xxx
oo I love the new clothes! Especially the Zara trousers.
Thanks bb! I hope uni is going well for you :D xxx
i love oap days out - my friend and i do them often :-) i love how this is in your family, will you carry on with it too?
I think OAP days are DEFINITELY the way forward! It's good that it's a family thing but also bad because my mum and grandma have to organise EVERYTHING which is quite difficult with everything else going on. If I am around as it goes on then I will definitely stay involved :)
Maria xxx
I absolutely love the color of that little jacket!
Your outfits look really good together. Nice photos!
P.S. Hope you like my post on new ring buys :)
Kristin- Thank you! It is a lovely colour and so comfy! I am always worried about spilling something down it though because it's made of silk :S
Gayle is volatile- Thank you.
Maria xxx
Wowee, outfit overload! And there are no words for how much I want fish and chips now, hehe!
MJ- I just had so many that I wanted to post them all! :)
Looks like you had a really great time at Western! The fish and chips look delish...probably not the best thing to be craving at 1am now right? Good luck with the new term at uni!
Winnie- maybe not at 1am but for lunch they will be perfect! :) Thank you :) I am dreading final year but things can only get better right?! Is it your final year too?
Maria xxx
dude you were right.near.me.
if you come again tell meeee.
Laura, I didn't know you lived near Weston! I will definitely let you know, would LOVE to meet you :D
Maria xxx
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