Giveaway winner and a pampering evening!

Congratulations to Nikki of One Opal Fruit who is the winner of our giveaway

"Oh my goodness, I *love* that lace dress! My perfect pamper evening:First of all I'd prepare myself a delicious meal - I love cooking so a few hours in the kitchen in nice and relaxing for me. Before I eat, I would have a really nice big bubble bath- probably with something from Lush. and with a facemask on. Then I'd give myself a manicure and pedicure, cover myself in body moisturiser (preferably a tanning one!) and jump into some comfy PJs. The rest of the evening would be spent eating my yummy meal, drinking wine and reading a book or watching some trashy t.v. Love the blog btw, I think it's really fab :) The only people currently reading mine are the three other contirbuters, haha! x"

If you email us your address Nikki, we will get that posted out to you as soon as possible :) Thank you to everyone who entered the giveaway, it was lovely to hear all of your suggestions and it was so difficult to choose just one winner. Keep your eyes peeled for more giveaways though! :D
All of your suggestions inspired me and Danni to have a pampering evening of our own, so we cooked a healthy dinner of pasta and tricolore salad with vinegarette...
 ...picked out some films for the evening...
Yes, you ARE reading that right... High School Musical 1 and 3 and Sex and the City: The Movie.
Chose some nail varnish...
... which resulted in some very cool nails! 
 She WILL kill me for this!
SO attractive! :S
I love how the Maltesers boxes always have really cute pictures on them...AMAZING! :D 
True love! Speaking of which, what are everyone's thoughts on Zac Efron? Danni and I have developed a full on crush on him...about 5 years late! I think it's his arms, they are so nice!  Here he is in action in HSM 3...

So do you love or loathe Zefron? ;) What are your weekend plans?


Sherin said...

Mmmmm, Zac Efron. He is HOT!! Yay, your pampering evening looks like it was so much fun.

Maria Fallon said...

Yeah it was lovely, we both had SUCH a good time and really relaxed :D Zac Efron I am suddenly in love with... NOM <3

Maria xxx

Leia said...

Sound like the perfect pampering evening! And I concur with the Zac Efron yumminess... although I feel a bit pervy since he's so much younger!!

Maria Fallon said...

He's 22, that is absolutely FINE ;) We had such a lovely girly evening- twas fab! <3

Maria xxx

Nikki said...

Thankyou so mcuh! How exciting! *emails*

I only fancy Zefron in Hairspray. I think it's the hair/clothes! Haha! :) x