I have never been one for having seasonal wardrobes, I like all of my clothes too much to keep half of them hidden away for half of the year and 80% of my clothes I wear all year round. The other 20% are the completely impractical silk summer dresses and teeny tiny shorts which I only wear when it is roasting outside! Kristabel wrote about the dilemma of dressing for Spring but I find Spring easier to dress for, as it is acceptable to wear cute dress and cardigan combinations. Recently, I have been wearing my slinky summer dresses layered up with chunky cardigans to keep warm and so far this has worked a treat!
Dress: Mango via Ebay, cardigan: vintage at Topshop, belt: H&M, shoes: Nine West. |
Apologies for my gormy face in this picture, it was the best picture of a bad lot, I obviously had no control over my facial expressions, Tyra would not be impressed! I really like this dress which I managed to win on Ebay but I'm not sure about the top of it. I don't really like how the straps look as they are very thin but the pattern is too pretty to pass on.
I have had these shoes for years and they are so comfy. I think I bought them reduced in the sale at Debenhams and they have been my go to shoes in the warmer weather. They have some studding and a buckle on the front and they seem to go with anything. I really find black too harsh when it's warmer, mainly because I am so pasty pale so tan is a nice compromise :)
I promised that I would dedicate some proper space to my new bag but I haven't managed to get any decent photos of it until now! It was a complete impulse but in Next but it has hardly left my shoulder and it's roomy pockets and gorgeous 'granny floral' print make it both practical and cute. So many people have complimented me on it and it always makes me smile when I look at it :)
A fluffy cygnet's feather |
Outtake of the day goes to this picture of me trying to pull myself between the two gate posts whilst balancing on a very wobbly gate. In my attempts to try and get a nice photo, Mark and I took some photos that were horrifying and hilarious in equal measure, the perils of being a fashion/lifestyle blogger ;)
How would you style this dress? Do you find it tricky to dress for Spring?

P.S. Thank you for all of your lovely suggestions for liquid eyeliner on my last post, I ill definitely be trying out your recommendations!
The dress is super pretty, so is the bag. I wear basically the same stuff all year too - it's just that little dresses get added vests and log sleeved things under them and cardis over them and the shoes get more and less summery as the year changes. Layering is a girl's best friend. Diamonds are alright too though.
I think you've dressed perfectly for Spring in this outfit! The dress looks perfect with a muted red cardigan (: I love your photos as ever, my outtakes today were so derpy hahaha! xx
Your new bag is lovely, how perfect for this gorgeous weather we've been having x
I love your stories about trying to get the perfect picture. Being a fashion/style blogger is so hard sometimes! I actually stopped a stranger the other day and asked him if he could just take my picture because I was so frustrated with self-timer, haha! I love the dress on you though, it's so lovely! You look gorgeous, Maria!
Love wearing summer dresses with chunky cardigans- always looks great! Love the new bag too! Gorgeous pics :)
Great cardigan, perfect for a spring outfit. I'm always trying to make myself wear whatever all year round, would be a waste not to xxx
I'm the same. I tend to wear most of my clothes throughout the year.
You're doing a great job dressing for spring. Chunky cardis are a godsend!
And that is such a pretty dress!!
ohh, at first i thought the dress was a vest and skirt! it's lovely!
if you are not too keen on the top then you could layer it with any of your favourites! i think a sleeveless blouse or a cropped jersey tee would look lovely over it (even though i think it looks beautiful on you as it is). or if it's just the straps you don't like you could always sew some pretty thick ribbon on it? :)
i'm so useless at dressing for spring it's ridiculous, will definitely be experimenting more this year, though! x
Llara- Thank you! I have got better at layering after I realised I could wear all of my clothes all year round :P
Michelle- Thank you :) My outtakes are awful but too funny to keep hidden away!
Penny Dreadful- Thank you, it is so pretty :)
Susie- Thank you, I think magazines and blogs can make photos look so effortless when the reality is a lot more frustrating!
Kat- Thank you, chunky cardigans are my friend :)
Funny little frog- Thanks, I totally agree, cardigans make anything cold weather appropriate!
Sherin- Thank you, I prefer being able to wear everything all the time!
Jazmine- I will DEFINITELY be trying ribbon instead of the straps, would be MUCH prettier! :)
Maria xxx
Love the bag! I know what you mean about taking horrifying photos..haha it takes me aaages to get a decent one, mainly because my housemate has to take them and I just can't stop laughing the whole time! x
I LOVE that bag so damn much x
Rachel- Thank you! I do have some horrific photos stored away on my computer as a result of falling over, laughing, being attacked by flies...the list goes on! :P
Laura- I thought you would ;)
Maria xxx
I love the ebay dress! The straps don't look too small at all
Eloise- Thank you! I'm just not convinced by them yet, haha!
Maria xxx
I totally agree - with the exception of tights and coats I wear most of my clothes all year round. I love how you've paired a summer dress with a gorgeous warm cardi to extend the wear of both of them into spring.
Harriet- That way I figure I can keep wearing the cardigan until it gets really warm, haha!
T- Thanks!
Maria xxx
Love this outfit, esp with the red cardi! I think you've dressed perfectly for Spring.
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