I'm starting to think I'm not cut out for this blogging malarkey.... I've been so distracted lately by so many things that I'm ashamed to say it's taken a complete backseat. But, I'm back on track with things, and trying to get into more of a routine so you can look forward [or not!] to more of my ramblings!
The first major thing as Maria explained, is that our house was just about ready to collapse. Mmkay...maybe a slight exaggeration but I certainly felt uneasy standing underneath that stain...and even more uncomfortable with the thought of being in a shower above a very soggy, very weak kitchen ceiling - some things you just don't want to see when cooking... a naked housemate is one of them.
Anyways, the ceiling is just about sorted, and I was finally getting back into the academic swing of things [swing is the wrong word.... more of a weighty pendulum of DOOOM] when I happened to catch sight of a job vacancy in my local Peacocks store. I handed in my application form at 9am, and by 3pm I had a job - they're nothing if not efficient!
I won't go into detail about the job itself, there's just something weird [and completely boring for you] about sharing that kind of stuff. What I will say is goodness is it nice to be earning. Although not so good is the yawning. The routine that I was just about getting into? Yeah... kind of destroyed. But I'm gonna see it as being replaced by a spangly, brand new routine..... one that should belong to a time-stopping super hero but hey. I'll cope!
Especially when I have concoctions like placed infront of me.
And cute cards from the family...
Another teeny tiny matter that's been taking up my time is the small matter of a 10'000 word essay. I know a few bloggers are in their final year of uni now, and you know what that means....the dreaded 'D' word. I feel like I'm jumping on a rather large bandwagon here, but I'm going down the female blogging path for mine. Not exactly focused enough to warrant a proper title yet, but I've withdrawn books from the library and we all know that counts as actual work right? No? Really? Oops.
And of course you can see my personal cloud nine in full use!
Apologies for this splat of a post.... I'm hoping to get back on my project 365 soon which will hopefully inspire some better blogging!! I've also just given in to Twitter so I can finally keep up with everyone's lovely new posts etc - if you've got any questions or suggestions then find me @Dannimoo :)
Until next time!
Congratulations on the new job!
I commented on the photo of the amazing marshmallowed hot drink concoction on twitter and now I'm faced with it again... this is just cruel! It looks so yummy!
Abbie xxx
Congratulations on the new job - and it's so funny, I read those two Cybercultures books in my first year at Uni. I LOVED Cybercultures class :DD xxx
Yay on the new job!! Congrats!! At least the ceiling is sorted now.
Ah thanks guys!!
Abbie- sorry to taunt you with it again!!! Twas rather yummy, and [in my head at least] no calories whatsoever :)
Carla- you've officially spurred me on to actually read them now... sounds good!
Sherin- yup, it's stopped leaking, though we're now faced with a beautifully yellow stain. Yum.
congrats on the job beautiful x
Aah thank you Laura!!! xxx
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