Problem solved?

Waaaay back in November, I first wore my eighties Liz Clairborne blouse and asked you lovely lot how to style it. Since then I have worn it a couple of times but not managed to get any decent pictures but Mark stepped in and managed to snap a few for me :) Now the final product is somewhere between what Eleanor and Kristabel suggested as I paired it with my super comfy Zara shorts, some rather Valentine's appropriate tights which were a gift from my parents, and my Peacocks ankle boots... 
Blouse: Liz Clairborne from a jumble sale, shorts; Zara, tights: gift from Accessorize, boots: Peacocks.
If you had asked me even 6 months ago whether I would be wearing ankle boots, I would have probably laughed uncontrollably in your face, how times have changed! This little blog has made me much more experimental with what I wear and I am constantly amazed at how stylish you all are, [yes it's late and I'm getting soppy again :P]

I think I'm  trying to show you the sleeves but I just look like I am trying to be macho...oh dear!  
I took the shoulder pads out which I think made a HUGE difference..there is still some structure in the shoulders which I like but it doesn't look like I am stuck in the decade that taste forgot ;) Since I have done this, I have found myself reaching for the blouse more often as it's not so much of a statement piece but rather slots more easily into my wardrobe. You can see what my hair looked like after my rollers tutorial too. I can only apologise for just how awkward I sounded on that, I'm definitely not a natural on camera although in my defence that was all one take! 

I don't know if the blazer makes it too work like but hopefully the tights balance it out? I mainly wore the blazer for it's bright pink lining which matched my nails...yes I have taken 'matchy matchy' to a new low high ;)

Although they raised a few eyebrows in Sainsbury's, I love these tights so much! I went through a real phase of tights wearing after I first watched Gossip Girl at uni (cool I know!) but recently I have been a lot more boring with my leg wear.. My parents bought me these to cheer me up after a rubbish couple of weeks and I must say, they have done the job nicely :D

 What items of clothing cheer you up? Has your style changed since you started blogging? 


Judy C said...

What a beautiful blouse. It really would go with almost anything.

Sarah said...

I have those tights, they look so much better on you than they do me! Love the ankle boots too. Im the opposite I absolutely love shoulder pads. I have virtually non existent shoulders and they really help balance out my hips so I wear them most days. What colour nail polish are you wearing, its lush xx

Unknown said...

Ah that's really great you've made the suggestions your own, the blouse looks lovely with the heart tights! I guess my style has got a lot more experimental too, I'm always tempted to try new things after seeing them on blogs.

Winnie said...

Oooh I love the blouse and it looks great with those shorts! Loving the heart tights too, I have a similar pair but the hearts are grey...definitely statement tights but I love them too! Blogs definitely make you open your eyes to new styles more especially if you see people who have a similar style/build to you!

Penny Dreadful Vintage said...

Hehe, I have that same pair of tights, they are fun aren't they :)

Maria Fallon said...

Judy- Thank you, it is such a lovely creamy colour, just the pattern on the front makes it more difficult to style!

Sarah- Thank you love! I like strong shoulders but it was a bit too much with the pattern as well. Peacocks is on a roll with shoes at the moment! My nail varnish is Bourjois So Laque in 23 Fuchsia hype :)

Kristabel- Thank you, I think it made it a lot less severe too, especially as I normally wear so much colour! I definitely think looking at how other people style things inspires me...

Winnie- Thank you, you gotta love statement tights! I definitely think that other people with similar style can be super inspiring but I also like to try things that are out of my comfort these boots!

Penny Dreadful- Everytime I looked at my legs, I smiled, that's all I know :)

Maria xxx

Unknown said...

Ooh I love those tights! And it looks great with shirt and shorts.
I love your hair, so bouncy and full of volume, haven't had a chance to watch the roller tutorial yet, but I'm sure you don't sound that bad, we all cringe watching ourselves back I'm sure.


Anonymous said...

I have those tights somewhere too! I like that your folks bought them to cheer you up :) That's so cute!


Sherin said...

Great job styling the blouse! It goes really well with the shorts...I am loving those shorts.
And your hair looks really pretty as well.

daisychain said...

I love that blouse, and OH MAN I Need those tights!

Maria Fallon said...

Kelly- Thank you love, my tutorial won't be anywhere near as good as your how to's, that's for sure!

Amy- They are just such cheery tights! And it was such a lovely surprise :)

Sherin- Thank you, they were an utter bargain at £7 and they hold my tummy in ;)

Laura- I KNEW you would like those tights! ;)

Maria xxx

Dani said...

Ahh I love this whole outfit, it looks amazing on you and those tights are simply gorgeous! You've really made the shirt work :D xxx

Unknown said...

Oh I absolutely adore this outfit top to toe!

I never would have thought of pairing the shirt with shorts but it owrks perfectly, and shows off your gorgeous pins!

Maria Fallon said...

Dani- Thank you! I think removing the shoulder pads made all the difference :)

Harriet- Aww thank you, it was comfy too :D

Maria xxx

Unknown said...

I always take out shoulder pads, haha! :) and I love the blazer, so cute!


Maria Fallon said...

Chelsea Lane- Thank you! This was such a bargain outfit! :)

Maria xxx

Anonymous said...

I loooooove this blouse! But I do have an embarrassing soft spot for the 80s so maybe my taste is questionable... but oh well, I love it!
