I missed out on doing my usual week in photos last week thanks to my 'blogging break' so you have a bumper crop this week ! I love being able to keep a record of all of the different things I do and it's much easier than printing off photos to organise into family albums. I don't think I would ever want to replace my photo print outs completely as I love flicking through old photographs of my parents and family but blogging allows me to write down what I am thinking/feeling which can only be a good thing to remember surely?
It is always difficult to know what to get my mum for Mother's Day as she always says that she doesn't want us to spend very much but she has done so much for me and my siblings so we wanted to treat her! We picked up some Molton Brown goodies and a cute little wash bag to keep them in. It smelt so nice in the bag, I didn't want to give it away! As you may already know, I am the eldest of 5 children and I am in total awe of my mother who has managed to bring us all up and look after and support us all, all without killing any of us! I was a horrible teenager and yet my parents never gave up on me and for that I want to say thank you and send a load of cyber-love to my lovely Mummy <3
My lovely boyfriend Mark turned 21 this week and we had a big barbeque at his house with a load of family and friends (both mine and his!) It was so lovely to catch up with everyone and to celebrate such a milestone together :) I just want to say a BIG thank you to Mark who is the loveliest person I know and my best friend, as well as someone who plays such a huge role in this blog. April is one of my favourite months as it's Mark's birthday on the first and our anniversary on the 30th. I cannot believe that we will have been together for 5 years (!) in a couple of weeks, scary stuff!
Mark's mum made some gorgeous homemade birthday cakes and the top one is chocolate ganache cake (I think!) with marshmallows and melted chocolate and a vanilla sponge with raspberries and fresh cream in the middle with lemon icing. I seriously ate SO much but it would be rude not to...right?!
I always think that daffodils are such happy flowers, especially in the sunshine and these looked absolutely gorgeous in this vase! They definitely have to be one of my favourite things about Spring and I love the contrast between the colours of the 'forced' daffs and the narcissus flowers...absolutely lovely! They grow everywhere around where I live and they do perk things up on a dull and dreary day :)
I have worn these glasses a few times before on the blog but I thought they deserved a special mention! They go with absolutely everything, make me feel completely glamourous as well as hiding my unruly eyebrows... not bad for a pair which my brother found ;)
Perhaps the most tempting thing I have done in this past week; labelling up Easter Eggs for Easter Bingo at Darby & Joan. Normally I'm not a big fan of Cadburys Easter Eggs but these ones seriously tempted me! Unfortunately I didn't win anything on the bingo games BUT I did win some hankies with my initial embroidered on them, in
the raffle... I'm an OAP already! :P
I made quesadilas the other day and used this jalapeno cheese with THE best slogan ever. Even if I wasn't a cheeseaholic then I would buy this for the fab picture and slogan alone.
It is always difficult to know what to get my mum for Mother's Day as she always says that she doesn't want us to spend very much but she has done so much for me and my siblings so we wanted to treat her! We picked up some Molton Brown goodies and a cute little wash bag to keep them in. It smelt so nice in the bag, I didn't want to give it away! As you may already know, I am the eldest of 5 children and I am in total awe of my mother who has managed to bring us all up and look after and support us all, all without killing any of us! I was a horrible teenager and yet my parents never gave up on me and for that I want to say thank you and send a load of cyber-love to my lovely Mummy <3
This is me, before I turned into that moody teenager, looking rather cute as a baby. I think I am about 8 weeks old here :)
My lovely boyfriend Mark turned 21 this week and we had a big barbeque at his house with a load of family and friends (both mine and his!) It was so lovely to catch up with everyone and to celebrate such a milestone together :) I just want to say a BIG thank you to Mark who is the loveliest person I know and my best friend, as well as someone who plays such a huge role in this blog. April is one of my favourite months as it's Mark's birthday on the first and our anniversary on the 30th. I cannot believe that we will have been together for 5 years (!) in a couple of weeks, scary stuff!
Mark's mum made some gorgeous homemade birthday cakes and the top one is chocolate ganache cake (I think!) with marshmallows and melted chocolate and a vanilla sponge with raspberries and fresh cream in the middle with lemon icing. I seriously ate SO much but it would be rude not to...right?!
What have you been up to this week? What's your favourite bit about Spring?

I want an easter egg!
Laura- You should have come along to bingo! ;)
Maria xxx
ohman. I NEEDS me some o' that lemon-drizzly goodness. JEES. I think Mark's mum is trying to kill me here..in a good way :P x
Danni- She did say "Danni would like this!" when she brought it out :) Gotta love Momma Richards :P
Maria xxx
Love this, I adore your photos so much! Makes me happy looking at flowers, and hungry looking at the cake!
Steph- Thank you love! It is making me hungry looking at these pics again! :P
Maria xxx
I'm so happy Spring is here!!!!!!! And Easter too because really who cares about summer bodies anyway right?
Amazing outfit.
Ellie xxxxxxx
check ma blog? i'm new :) www.ohmyellie.blogspot.com
Those pies are so sweeet. And the eggs. But damn gurl, 5 years?!?! Haha, caramba.. great cheese !!
Daffodils and easter eggs are everywhere! Those cakes definitely look like food porn to me!
Helen, X
Your blog is majorly making me hungry for cake!
I love daffodils, I bought some for my mum for mother's day and they've really brightened up the house!
How can you not like Cadbury's easter eggs!? That box is like heaven mmmm LOL
Happy Birthday to Mark!
What a great post Maria! I love all the photos from the daffodils to the awesome cake for your boyfriends birthday. Seriously drooling at the sight of that heavenly cake haha! I'm not the hugest fan of Cadbury chocolate but I must say that all the eggs in that box look awesome!
you're right, daffodils are happy flowers. don't they just scream 'spring'!!
Bright flowers & cake = happy days!
♥ Leia
Those cake look amaze!
I'm loving the spring sunshine that's been around us all week, the blosom on the trees seems to dance in the sunlight.
Those cake look amaze!
I'm loving the spring sunshine that's been around us all week, the blosom on the trees seems to dance in the sunlight.
CONGRATS in advance for your anniversary flower :) What an achievement! What are you going to do to celebrate? It's such a milestone!
I love daffs too, though tulips are my decorational flower of choice in my room this week :)
jazzy ♥
Ellie- Thank you! I love the sunshine when it's like this, it's fab :)
Marloes- I kno, 5 years is a looong time!
Helen- I know, they are everywhere at this time of year but they were too pretty not to include!
Harriet- I wish I could say I was sorry but they are too yummy not to share ;)
Stephanie- I just find them a bit blah :P And Mark says thank you :)
Winnie- Thank you, it does make me hungry looking at them again!
Paula- So true! :)
Leia- The perfect day I think!
Lizzy- I know! The trees are just so pretty!
Claire- Thank you <3 I don't know what we're doing yet but I'm sure it will be nice :) I prefer tulips too but these daffodils are just so cheery :D
Maria xxx
You're such a sweetie to your mum. It's just me with my mum, but I feel much the same as we've been through a lot and I love to find her something lovely for Mothers Day.
A lovely piece about Mark too, hope you had an amazing time and enjoyed- the cakes look yummy too.
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